
Friday, February 18, 2011

Are you hungry for fresh "meat"?

Jesus said unto them,
My meat is to do the will of Him
that sent me, and to finish his work."

- John 4:34

What's yours?

What has He sent you to do?

TODAY, He has sent me to wake up
the sleeping eagle inside you...

... so you can join the MIDNIGHT
prayer army.

And experience firsthand the joy
of INSTANT answers to prayers ...
in every area of your life.

Just like this sister from Botswana:

"Good Day Elisha
Let me start by saying glory be
to Father God through son Jesus Christ.

Our Lord Jesus is an Awesome God
and he has done a miracle for me.

I was taking part on the 14 days
prayer and really what I was asking
God was to impart on me his holy spirit... that his signs and wonders can
be seen through me, and on Friday 21
January something extra good happened.

On the night of Friday as I was watching
God Channel my neighbour came to ask me
to take his daughter to hospital as she
was sick,

but the Holy Spirit told me to just
finish off first what I was watching
and I did just that.

After the preaching I then went to see
the lady only to realize that she was
in a critical situation.

We then took her to the car and after
she got in the car she died.

 Her mum was just crying and I immediately
went and laid my hands on her chest and
called the name of Jesus five times and
her life was restored back

Right now she is alive in Jesus name.

Wow this will go down as one of the
best testimonies in my life and all

Glory be to God our Lord Jesus Christ."
- Thabo M, Gaborone, Botswana
Yes, she asked for power to do exploits
and she received it.

The moment you make up your mind to become
a raging fireball at the midnight hour...

...and confront YOUR stubborn problems
head on, the LORD will respond with
a flood of shocking testimonies.

In your life EVERYDAY!

Be An Overcomer!
