
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

5 Killer Lessons I Learned from Interviewing World-Class Entrepreneurs

Through the work I’ve done at Growth Everywhere, I’ve been lucky enough to chat with notable entrepreneurs such as Jason Lemkin (founder of Echosign, which sold to Adobe), Mark Organ (co-founder of Eloqua, which sold to Oracle) and others who are constantly pushing the boundaries of business success with their own companies.
But not only has this series of interviews given my followers plenty of inspirational material to help them take their businesses to the next level, it’s inspired me as well. Here are just a few of the lessons I’ve taken from these conversations and applied to my work at Growth Everywhere and my company, Single Grain.
Want to hear something inspiring? When Ron Klein, inventor of the magnetic credit card strip, was 16, he contracted hepatitis and spent almost two years recovering. During this time, he wasn’t able to go to school or work, so he kept himself busy by reading 18 volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica. While his reading didn’t directly contribute to his work with credit card strips, they do show how Klein was able to take what was a difficult situation and turn it into something positive.
The truth is, we all hit roadblocks and obstacles. We all get frustrated by projects that don’t go as smoothly as we like. But it’s the way that you handle these challenges that separates those that will become successful from those that fail. Take a page out of Klein’s book and be the entrepreneur that makes the best out of bad situations.
All entrepreneurs think they’re starting out with a brilliant idea, but the reality is that businesses are often more complicated than they initially appear. Take the example of eToro, a social-investment network led byYoni Assia.
Initially, eToro aimed to bring a social-gaming element to financial investing. But when the company’s first patent wound up being too over-gamified and over-simplified with consumers, the company was quick to pivot to a more traditional alternative, and then to a happy medium between the two. Today, eToro has produced more than $30 million in revenue, despite its rocky start.
If your initial idea proves unsustainable -- whether due to a lack of product-market fit, limited consumer interest, incorrect pricing strategies or some other factor -- don’t beat yourself up over it. Instead of giving up, look for the seeds of success that exist in all failed ideas and use them to move on to a stronger alternative.
Yali Elkin was a pretty unlikely tech entrepreneur. Coming from a background in finance and data management, Elkin was inspired by the 2012 presidential debates to start LiveDial, a polling company that distributes surveys on any topic to an unlimited audience at a moment’s notice. To date, the program has more than 7,000 downloads and is growing every day.
It would have been easy for Elkin, when the idea for a survey platform crossed his mind, to say, “I’m a finance guy -- what business do I have founding a tech company?” But he didn’t. And you shouldn’t let yourself be tied down by expectations either.

Look for these types of unexpected opportunities and don’t let them pass you by. Capitalize on them by taking the action that other wannabe founders aren’t willing to.
Recently, I had the chance to chat with Finnegan Faldi, founder of TruEffect, which focuses on first-party cookie technology. Faldi has a serious sales and business development background, so I was surprised when he told me that he doesn’t just believe CEOs should spend 25 to 33 percent of their time recruiting, he believes it should always be a top priority. Instead of posting jobs when he has open positions, he wants to have eager applicants who are ready, waiting and excited to work for him.
I’ve talked about what it takes to find a good CMO before, but don’t limit yourself there. Every position at your company is critical, so follow Faldi’s example and make constant recruiting a priority. A good team can make the difference between a company that barely gets off the ground and one that’s a runaway success.
While I’ve been fortunate to be able to connect with some amazing entrepreneurs through my interview series, what I want to emphasize is that there’s nothing special about me. I don’t have tons of inside connections, and I haven’t yet been admitted into any super-secret business-owner societies (if these exist at all).
I was able to learn great lessons that will save me a significant amount of time, money and energy, all because I was willing to ask for it. I get told “no” plenty of times by prospective interview subjects, but because I’m persistent, I’m able to chat with fascinating people doing amazing things in the business world. If there’s something you want out there, ask for it. Even seemingly-impossible requests might be easier to fulfill than you’d imagine.

 - ERIC SIU CONTRIBUTOR CEO, Single Grain. Founder, Growth Everywhere.

Monday, November 10, 2014

5 Biggest Crime Organisations Estimated To Control Over $100 Billion

1. Yamaguchi-gumi (Japan)

The largest criminal organization in Japan and one of the biggest crime organizaitons in the world, the Yamaguchi-gumi boasts over 55,000 active members. It was founded before World War II and can be traced back to the labor union of dockworkers.

The organization amasses billions of dollars a year through various criminal activity including extortion, drug dealing, real estate, arms dealing, gambling, Internet porn and stock market manipulation. One of the members even assassinated the mayor of Nagasaki because he damaged his car in 2007.

2. Camorra (Italy)

Mafias don’t come any bigger or older than the Camorra. Originating in Naples, Italy the Camorra has a history that dates back to the 18th century, though some believe it to be descended from a secret society in Spain in the 16th century.

Earlier activities included petty theft and extortion, but over time the group transformed into the menacing organization it is today. Currently, the Camorra dabble in murder, drug and sex trafficking, child labor and environmental violence through, oddly enough, garbage disposal management (the effect of which is causing soil and air pollution).

3. The Arellano Felix Organisation (Mexico)

Also known as the Tijuana Cartel, The Arellano Felix Organization is one of the most violent drug cartels in Mexico. Beginning with a mere 11 members, the family ‘business’ has grown in strength (and violence), infiltrating the Mexican law and judicial systems and trafficking cocaine, marijuana, heroin and methamphetamine to the states. Steven Soderbergh’s 2000 Oscar-winning film Traffic featured the gang and detailed the exploits of one of the world’s biggest crime organizations.

4. D- Company (India)

Headed by one of the world’s most wanted and terrifying terrorists and crime bosses, Dawood Ibrahim, the D-Company is a criminal organization that funds and supports terrorist activity in their own country, India. They were responsible for financing the 1993 Mumbai terrorist bombings and also planned further attacks in Gujarat. The organization also amasses billions through arms and drug trafficking, contract killing, counterfeiting, extortion, real estate and, it is alleged, the Indian film industry.

5. The Numbers Gang (South Africa)

The Numbers Gang are a world-renown and one of the most fearsome prison gangs in the world. Operating from the Western Cape prison of Pollsmoor, the gang controls almost every prison in South Africa through violence and religion. The group is led by the 28s – in particular John Mongrel in Pollsmoor – and initiates subordinate members through forced sodomy and violence. The numbers – 28s, 27s and 26s – all ascertain a level and function within the gang and the systematized organization is in place across the South African prison system. Insubordination results in death.

culled from:,224372.0.html

Monday, November 3, 2014

You'll Never Hear Successful People Say These 15 Phrases

If you want to become more successful as an entrepreneur or in your career, you can start by making a habit of talking and thinking more like the people you know or read about who are already successful.
Here are some phrases you’ll never hear a successful person say:

1. "We can't do that."

One thing that makes people and companies successful is the ability to make solving their customers’ problems and demands their main priority. If a need arises repeatedly, the most successful people learn how to solve it as quickly as they can.

2. "I don't know how."

Instead of automatically shutting down solution-finding, successful people learn what they can in order to succeed in a project or in their career. For example, you would never see a truly successful international business consultant who travels to Italy multiple times per year refusing to learn Italian.

3. "I don’t know what that is."

Pleading ignorance doesn’t make the problem go away. It just makes the asker find someone who is able to work with them to solve the problem. While’s it’s always good to be honest with those you interact with, finishing this phrase with “but I’ll find out” is a surefire way to become more successful.

4. "I did everything on my own."

The best people know to surround themselves with others who are smart, savvy and as dedicated as they are. What makes this work is always giving credit where it’s due, as due credit to you will always come back in hand. Recognize those that have helped you or made an impact and you’ll continue to earn success and recognition yourself.

5. "That's too early."

You would never hear Benjamin Franklin or someone such as Steve Jobs say, “that is too early for me to be there.” If there is a networking meeting, project launch or interview opportunity at the very beginning of the day, the most successful people do what it takes to be there. Part of being successful is being at the right place at the right time, no matter if you’re a morning bird or night owl.

6. "That’s too late."

Along the same lines, if you’re asked to a 9 p.m. dinner by a potential business partner, and you can make it, definitely go. You may be tired the next day, but the connections you will make during a small dinner or after-hours meeting can make all the difference when it comes to your career or next project.

7. "It's too bad we couldn't work together."

Truly hitting it off with someone can be a rare occurrence, but if you truly connect with someone and want to work with them, find a way to make it work. Finding people that you really enjoy communicating with don’t come along too often, so whether it’s a case study or a new business, successful people know that working with those who truly align with your personality and interests are the path to true success.

8. "Let's catch up sometime."

Many times, this phrase is said as filler, without any true follow up. Successful people know that if they really want to catch up with someone, they follow up to make it happen. This also builds on the idea that the most successful people have worked hard to build genuine connections and relationships within their network, without any hidden agenda. Nurturing your network means being thoughtful of others, while keeping your relationships with them on top of your mind.

9. "I'm sorry, I'm too busy."

If an opportunity comes their way, successful people do what it takes to make it happen. Sure, this might mean longer hours occasionally, but if you want something to work, that is what it takes. After all, according to Lao-Tzu: "Time is a created thing. To say ‘I don’t have time,’ is like saying, ‘I don’t want to.’”

10. "That was all my idea."

Again, as mentioned in number four, the most successful people spread the wealth when it comes to doling out praise from a successful project. No idea is truly one’s own -- it’s a sum of their experiences from interacting and building off of collaborative ideas with a team. Doling out praise and encouragement is a crucial part of building a successful company and culture.

11. "I never read books."

Tom Corley of Rich Habits found that rich people read (and listen to) books at a much higher rate than poor people: “63 percent of wealthy parents make their children read two or more non-fiction books a month vs. 3 percent of poor.” Also, “63 percent of wealthy listen to audio books during commute to work vs. 5 percent of poor people.” Reading non-fiction (as well as fiction) can help reduce stress, enhance creativity and boost your memory.

12. "I'm not good enough."

Part of being successful is having a high sense of self-worth. Being yourself is one trait that promises success in business and your personal life. Follow your true interests. What you would do in your life if you didn’t need money?

13. "It's OK." (over and over)

Successful people know when to walk away and stop taking excuses from others. If there is a bottleneck and something (or someone) is preventing you from completing a project on time, build up your business, or move you forward in your goals, then it’s time to set boundaries and decide to limit your involvement.

14. "If our competitors don't have it, then we don't need it."

Copying competitors is one of the many possible deaths for most companies. True innovation comes from the flip side: figuring out what competitors aren’t doing and fill that niche to answer a need in the industry.

15. "Time off is for suckers."

True success should be seen as a well-rounded approach, one with vacations, weekends with friends and family and hours of downtime on the weekdays. While workload varies for everyone at times, taking vacation can make you better at your job.
Sometimes to get to where you want to be, the best and easiest thing to do is to simply follow the examples that others set for you.
What phrases are you going to eliminate from your day-to-day conversations and thinking?

Courtesy:  SUJAN PATEL,

Friday, October 17, 2014

What Entrepreneurs Can Learn From The Mafia

What Entrepreneurs Can Learn From The Mafia
The idea of the Mafia comes with a very powerful and intimidating connotation. In case you forgot, the Mafia is what actually ran this country and most of the world back in the 70′s and even throughout the early 90s.
At times when the government had little or no power because society refused to obey their rules, it was the Mafia that seized this opportunity to take control of several different cities across the US, reaping all the benefits of the hard work and consumerism of their citizens.
Despite their reputation for criminal activities, the Mafia always maintains a solid structure and a strong code of conduct that not only insures a constant influx of cash, but also prevents their business from failing the test of time. It’s those factors that have led their operations to expand and ultimately thrive beyond expectations.
At the end of the day, a spade is a spade and a businessman is a businessman. These organizations were businesses and the people inside of them were businessmen just trying to make a living that was far more exciting and rewarding than the average pedestrian lifestyle at the time. You can even go as far as calling their leaders entrepreneurs because they found ways to make money in an unconventional and self-reliant manner.
The amount of lessons that we can learn from the Mafia are far and wide, as we are all working for the same goals: money, power, respect We as entrepreneurs are always utilizing different aspects of their business tactics each day.
We spend days figuring out how we can access new markets and build global brands. By studying the Mafia, there is much we can learn to create more opportunities to do this more effectively than any college professor could imagine.
Here is a top 8 list of things entrepreneurs can learn from the Mafia:
1. Fu*k you pay me
The Mafia knew that the business world would eventually turn into what it is now: almost completely void of credit and full of distrust and back-stabbing within businesses of all sorts. If you think someone you don’t really know is going to pay you back when they promised you, you’ve got another thing coming.
Whether it be a vendor or a client or someone you have contracted for any possible service, the Mafia showed us that it is fear that makes people pay their dues and play by the rules you have put in place.
As a business, especially a new business, you always need to make sure you live by the “fu*k you, pay me” mantra because if you don’t show that you will punish those who treat your deadlines lightly, you will be run out of cash and immediately overpowered by your rivals. You will encounter many people you do business with that hate paying on time or in full. Don’t let these idiots give you grey hair.
“You a gangster now. You can’t learn it at school… you can’t have a late start.” Carlito (Carlito’s Way)
2. The loyalty
When a new member joined a Mafia family (which was called “being made”) they had to make an oath that says,  ”Should I betray my friends, may I burn in hell.” This is what forced everyone in the business to rely on each other and make the trust and success of their co-workers as their number one priority.
All the members worked equally hard because they all maintained the same respect for the boss. As an entrepreneur, you must realize that your team is your backbone and their loyalty to you as well as your loyalty to your vision is what will bring you success in addition to a family environment rich with trust and companionship. Make the oath to persist and stick by it.
3. Rock the boat
“Non si fa nessunna frittata senza rompere le ouva,” which translates to “You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs.” Those that are willing to stir things up to get ahead are those that make a name for themselves in this world. These are the people that work hard and understand that opportunities are taken, not given. They make bold decisions, take action and break a shitload of eggs in the process.
This is what the leaders of the Mafias all over the world did every day. They went outside of their comfort zone to rock the boat and create a rift in a certain business. Their ambition drove them to screw up the lives of others to make a better life for themselves. Sure, they were addicted to power, but aren’t we all?
“In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women.”-Tony Montana (Scarface)
4. The payroll
The Mafia has lawyers, statesmen, police officers and other high-powered authorities on their ”payroll”. They pay people that are sure to protect their business and give them opportunities to expand very well. Everyone’s pocket was always full of cash as long as they used their authority to consistently help out the family they were aligned with.
The same should go for your business in terms of paying your sales agents, brokers, employees and anyone else you need to bribe to gain access to different markets. Pay your brokers and sales agents a good commission instead of the standard one in order to keep them working their hardest for you.
Keep your workers motivated by showing them the rewards that hard work will get them. The Mafia understood this strategy and that is how they kept all their men in order.
“I treat my men good, but not too good, or I’m not needed. I give just enough so that they need me, but they don’t hate me,”-Sonny (A Bronx Tale)
5. The 5 families
The Mafia is usually made up of 5 families that do business together. They collaborate to back each other up when their individual strengths are needed, because they all share a common goal that can only be reached if every family is operating successfully. This illustrates the importance of strategic partnerships and joint ventures.
I always say ”Your market is made out of 7 continents” and those markets can only be accessed through effective alliances and feudalistic deals.
6.  Never rat on your friends, and always keep your mouth shut.
You may remember the advice that Jimmy Conway gave to a young Henry Hill in the Scorsese classic “Goodfellas.” It worked for the Mafia for hundreds of years and it still helps out many businesses to this day. Gossip and office politics are petty and unproductive.
Mind your business, don’t talk out of turn and remain loyal to your friends and co-workers. We had another saying growing up that said “even a fish wouldn’t get into trouble if he kept his mouth shut!”  When in question or under pressure, shut the hell up and don’t ever put your friends or business in danger.
7. Reputation is everything.
Anyone who you do business with will judge you based on your commitment to your deeds. A favorite proverb states that “a good name is better than riches.” As an entrepreneur, you’ve got to decide what you stand for, and let your actions speak for themselves.
Guard your reputation like gold. The Mafia always made sure their enemies and friends got the impression that their family was a no-nonsense group of people.
8. Live by the code of conduct.
Last but not least, you must always have a code of conduct as an entrepreneur. The Mafia lived by the importance of money, power, respect. They had a strict hierarchy where much of the respect was given to the boss and the ones below had to earn their respect with hard work and dedication.
As an entrepreneur, you must set your own code of conduct for your business and have everyone buy into it. You must show the value of your code because it reflects your ability to lead and your team’s ability to produce.
“Mickey Mantle? That’s what you’re upset about? Mantle makes $100,000 a year. How much does your father make? If your dad ever can’t pay the rent and needs money, go ask Mickey Mantle. See what happens. Mickey Mantle don’t care about you. Why care about him?”-Sonny (A Bronx Tale)

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Second Doctor Infected By Patrick Sawyer Survives, Narrates Her Story In Details

Dr. Ada Igonoh of First Consultants Hospital, one of the doctors who attended to the late Patrick Sawyer who brought in Ebola into the country, has finally spoken. In her inspiring piece sent to Reporters, the doctor disclosed how she got infected with the virus but miraculously survived it.
She begun by narrating how Patrick Sawyer was wheeled into the Emergency Room at First Consultants Medical Centre, Obalende.

“Patrick Sawyer had complaints of fever and body weakness. The male doctor on call admitted him as a case of malaria and took a full history. Knowing that Mr Sawyer had recently arrived from Liberia, the doctor asked if he had been in contact with an Ebola patient in the last couple of weeks, and Mr. Sawyer denied any such contact. He also denied attending any funeral ceremony recently. Blood samples were taken for full blood count, malaria parasites, liver function test and other baseline investigations. He was admitted into a private room and started on anti-malarial drugs and analgesics. That night, the full blood count result came back as normal and not indicative of infection. The following day however, his condition worsened. He barely ate any of his meals. His liver function test result showed his liver enzymes were markedly elevated. We then took samples for HIV and hepatitis screening.

“At about 5.00pm, he requested to see a doctor. I was the doctor on call that night so I went in to see him. He was lying in bed with his intravenous (I.V.) fluid bag removed from its metal stand and placed beside him. He complained that he had stooled about five times that evening and that he wanted to use the bathroom again. I picked up the I.V. bag from his bed and hung it back on the stand. I told him I would inform a nurse to come and disconnect the I.V. so he could conveniently go to the bathroom”. 
She further revealed how the late Dr Adadevoh came in contact with him thus: “I walked out of his room and went straight to the nurses’ station where I told the nurse on duty to disconnect his I.V. I then informed my Consultant, Dr. Ameyo Adadevoh about the patient’s condition and she asked that he be placed on some medications.

“The following day, the results for HIV and hepatitis screening came out negative. As we were preparing for the early morning ward rounds, I was approached by an ECOWAS official who informed me that Patrick Sawyer had to catch an 11 o’clock flight to Calabar for a retreat that morning. He wanted to know if it would be possible. I told him it wasn’t, as he was acutely ill. Dr. Adadevoh also told him the patient could certainly not leave the hospital in his condition. She then instructed me to write very boldly on his chart that on no account should Patrick Sawyer be allowed out of the hospital premises without the permission of Dr. Ohiaeri, our Chief Medical Consultant. All nurses and doctors were duly informed.

“During our early morning ward round with Dr. Adadevoh, we concluded that this was not malaria and that the patient needed to be screened for Ebola Viral Disease. She immediately started calling laboratories to find out where the test could be carried out. She was eventually referred to Professor Omilabu of the LUTH Virology Reference Lab in Idi-Araba whom she called immediately. Prof. Omilabu told her to send blood and urine samples to LUTH straight away. She tried to reach the Lagos State Commissioner for Health but was unable to contact him at the time. She also put calls across to officials of the Federal Ministry of Health and National Centre for Disease Control.

“Dr. Adadevoh at this time was in a pensive mood. Patrick Sawyer was now a suspected case of Ebola, perhaps the first in the country. He was quarantined, and strict barrier nursing was applied with all the precautionary measures we could muster. Dr. Adadevoh went online, downloaded information on Ebola and printed copies which were distributed to the nurses, doctors and ward maids. Blood and urine samples were sent to LUTH that morning. Protective gear, gloves, shoe covers and facemasks were provided for the staff. A wooden barricade was placed at the entrance of the door to keep visitors and unauthorized personnel away from the patient.

“Despite the medications prescribed earlier, the vomiting and diarrhea persisted. The fever escalated from 38c to 40c. “On the morning of Wednesday 23rd July, the tests carried out in LUTH showed a signal for Ebola. Samples were then sent to Dakar, Senegal for a confirmatory test. Dr. Adadevoh went for several meetings with the Lagos State Ministry of Health. Thereafter, officials from Lagos State came to inspect the hospital and the protective measures we had put in place.

“The following day, Thursday 24th July, I was again on call. At about 10.00pm Mr. Sawyer requested to see me. I went into the newly created dressing room, donned my protective gear and went in to see him. He had not been cooperating with the nurses and had refused any additional treatment. He sounded confused and said he received a call from Liberia asking for a detailed medical report to be sent to them. He also said he had to travel back to Liberia on a 5.00am flight the following morning and that he didn’t want to miss his flight. I told him that I would inform Dr. Adadevoh. As I was leaving the room, I met Dr. Adadevoh dressed in her protective gear along with a nurse and another doctor. They went into his room to have a discussion with him and as I heard later to reset his I.V. line which he had deliberately removed after my visit to his room.

“At 6:30am, Friday 25th July, I got a call from the nurse that Patrick Sawyer was completely unresponsive. Again I put on the protective gear and headed to his room. I found him slumped in the bathroom. I examined him and observed that there was no respiratory movement. I felt for his pulse; it was absent. We had lost him. It was I who certified Patrick Sawyer dead. I informed Dr. Adadevoh immediately and she instructed that no one was to be allowed to go into his room for any reason at all. Later that day, officials from W.H.O came and took his body away. The test in Dakar later came out positive for Zaire strain of the Ebola virus. We now had the first official case of Ebola virus disease in Nigeria”.

On how much trauma his death caused them all, she said, “It was a sobering day. We all began to go over all that happened in the last few days, wondering just how much physical contact we had individually made with Patrick Sawyer. Every patient on admission was discharged that day and decontamination began in the hospital. We were now managing a crisis situation…The frenetic pace of life in Lagos, coupled with the demanding nature of my job as a doctor, means that I occasionally need a change of environment. As such, one week before Patrick Sawyer died, I had gone to my parents’ home for a retreat. I was still staying with them when I received my temperature chart and thermometer on Tuesday 29th of July. I could not contain my anxiety.
“People were talking Ebola everywhere – on television, online, everywhere. I soon started experiencing joint and muscle aches and a sore throat, which I quickly attributed to stress and anxiety. I decided to take malaria tablets. I also started taking antibiotics for the sore throat. The first couple of temperature readings were normal. Every day I would attempt to recall the period Patrick Sawyer was on admission – just how much direct and indirect contact did I have with him? I reassured myself that my contact with him was quite minimal. I completed the anti-malarials but the aches and pains persisted. I had loss of appetite and felt very tired”.

“When the pains and aches persisted, she went to see another doctor who took samples of her blood for a test. The following day, Sunday 3rd of August, I got a call from one of the doctors who came to take my sample the day before. He told me that the sample which was they had taken was not confirmatory, and that they needed another sample. He did not sound very coherent and I became worried. They came with the ambulance that afternoon and told me that I had to go with them to Yaba. I was confused. Couldn’t the second sample be taken in the ambulance like the previous one? He said a better-qualified person at the Yaba centre would take the sample. I asked if they would bring me back. He said ‘yes’. Even with the symptoms I did not believe I had Ebola. After all, my contact with Sawyer was minimal. I only touched his I.V. fluid bag just that once without gloves. The only time I actually touched him was when I checked his pulse and confirmed him dead, and I wore double gloves and felt adequately protected.

I told my parents I had to go with the officials to Yaba and that I would be back that evening. I wore a white top and a pair of jeans, and I put my iPad and phones in my bag.
A man opened the ambulance door for me and moved away from me rather swiftly. Strange behavior, I thought. They were friendly with me the day before, but that day, not so. No pleasantries, no smiles. I looked up and saw my mother watching through her bedroom window.
We soon got to Yaba. I really had no clue where I was. I knew it was a hospital. I was left alone in the back of the ambulance for over four hours. My mind was in a whirl. I didn’t know what to think. I was offered food to eat but I could barely eat the rice.

The ambulance door opened and a Caucasian gentleman approached me but kept a little distance. He said to me, ‘I have to inform you that your blood tested positive for Ebola. I am sorry’. I had no reaction. I think I must have been in shock. He then told me to open my mouth and he looked at my tongue. He said it was the typical Ebola tongue. I took out my mirror from my bag and took a look and I was shocked at what I saw. My whole tongue had a white coating, looked furry and had a long, deep ridge right in the middle. I then started to look at my whole body, searching for Ebola rashes and other signs as we had been recently instructed. I called my mother immediately and said, “Mummy, they said I have Ebola, but don’t worry, I will survive it. Please, go and lock my room now; don’t let anyone inside and don’t touch anything.” She was silent. I cut the line.”

On her experience at her the Isolated ward in Yaba, she said “I was taken to the female ward. I was shocked at the environment. It looked like an abandoned building. I suspected it had not been in use for quite a while. As I walked in, I immediately recognized one of the ward maids from our hospital. She always had a smile for me but not this time. She was ill and she looked it. She had been stooling a lot too. I soon settled into my corner and looked around the room. It smelled of faeces and vomit. It also had a characteristic Ebola smell to which I became accustomed. Dinner was served – rice and stew. The pepper stung my mouth and tongue. I dropped the spoon. No dinner that night.

“Dr. David, the Caucasian man who had met me at the ambulance on my arrival, came in wearing his full protective ‘hazmat’ suit and goggles. It was fascinating seeing one live. I had only seen them online. He brought bottles of water and ORS, the oral fluid therapy which he dropped by my bedside. He told me that 90 percent of the treatment depended on me. He said I had to drink at least 4.5 litres of ORS daily to replace fluids lost in stooling and vomiting. I told him I had stooled three times earlier and taken Imodium tablets to stop the stooling. He said it was not advisable, as the virus would replicate the more inside of me. It was better he said to let it out. He said good night and left.

“My parents called. My uncle called. My husband called crying. He could not believe the news. My parents had informed him, as I didn’t even know how to break the news to him. As I lay on my bed in that isolation ward, strangely, I did not fear for my life. I was confident that I would leave that ward some day. There was an inner sense of calm. I did not for a second think I would be consumed by the disease. That evening, the symptoms fully kicked in. I was stooling almost every two hours. The toilets did not flush so I had to fetch water in a bucket from the bathroom each time I used the toilet. I then placed another bucket beneath my bed for the vomiting. On certain occasion I would run to the toilet with a bottle of ORS, so that as I was stooling, I was drinking.

 “The next day Monday 4th of August, I began to notice red rashes on my skin particularly on my arms. I had developed sores all over my mouth. My head was pounding so badly. The sore throat was so severe I could not eat. I could only drink the ORS. I took paracetamol for the pain. The ward maid across from me wasn’t doing so well. She had stopped speaking. I couldn’t even brush my teeth; the sores in my mouth were so bad. This was a battle for my life but I was determined I would not die.

“Every morning, I began the day with reading and meditating on Psalm 91. The sanitary condition in the ward left much to be desired. The whole Ebola thing had caught everyone by surprise. Lagos State Ministry of Health was doing its best to contain the situation but competent hands were few. The sheets were not changed for days. The floor was stained with greenish vomitus and excrement. Dr. David would come in once or twice a day and help clean up the ward after chatting with us. He was the only doctor who attended to us. There was no one else at that time. The matrons would leave our food outside the door; we had to go get the food ourselves. They hardly entered in the initial days. Everyone was being careful. This was all so new. I could understand, was this not how we ourselves had contracted the disease? Mosquitoes were our roommates until they brought us mosquito nets.”

Speaking on her encounter with the late Nurse Justina Ejelonu  at the ward she said, “Later that evening, Dr. David brought another lady into the ward. I recognized her immediately as Justina Ejelonu, a nurse who had started working at First Consultants on the 21st of July, a day after Patrick Saywer was admitted. She was on duty on the day Patrick reported that he was stooling. While she was attending to him that night, he had yanked off his drip, letting his blood flow almost like a tap onto her hands. Justina was pregnant and was brought into our ward bleeding from a suspected miscarriage. She had been told she was there only on observation. The news that she had contracted Ebola was broken to her the following day after results of her blood test came out positive. Justina was devastated and wept profusely – she had contracted Ebola on her first day at work.

“My husband started visiting but was not allowed to come close to me. He could only see me from a window at a distance. He visited so many times. It was he who brought me a change of clothes and toiletries and other things I needed because I had not even packed a bag. I was grateful I was not with him at home when I fell ill or he would most certainly have contracted the disease. My retreat at my parents’ home turned out to be the instrumentality God used to shield and save him.”

According to her, when her case began to worsen, her pastor got involved and every hour they would pray over the phone. She further researched on Ebola and made the Bible her companion.

“I drank the ORS fluid like my life depended on it. Then I got a call from my pastor. He had been informed about my predicament. He called me every single day morning and night and would pray with me over the phone. He later sent me a CD player, CDs of messages on faith and healing, and Holy Communion packs through my husband. My pastor, who also happens to be a medical doctor, encouraged me to monitor how many times I had stooled and vomited each day and how many bottles of ORS I had consumed. We would then discuss the disease and pray together. He asked me to do my research on Ebola since I had my iPad with me and told me that he was also doing his study. He wanted us to use all relevant information on Ebola to our advantage. So I researched and found out all I could about the strange disease that has been in existence for 38 years. My research, my faith, my positive view of life, the extended times of prayer, study and listening to encouraging messages boosted my belief that I would survive the Ebola scourge.

“There are five strains of the virus and the deadliest of them is the Zaire strain, which was what I had. But that did not matter. I believed I would overcome even the deadliest of strains. Infected patients who succumb to the disease usually die between 6 to 16 days after the onset of the disease from multiple organ failure and shock caused by dehydration. I was counting the days and keeping myself well hydrated. I didn’t intend to die in that ward.
“My research gave me ammunition. I read that as soon as the virus gets into the body, it begins to replicate really fast. It enters the blood cells, destroys them and uses those same blood cells to aggressively invade other organs where they further multiply. Ideally, the body’s immune system should immediately mount up a response by producing antibodies to fight the virus. If the person is strong enough, and that strength is sustained long enough for the immune system to kill off the viruses, the patient is likely to survive. If the virus replicates faster than the antibodies can handle however, further damage is done to the organs. Ebola can be likened to a multi-level, multi-organ attack but I had no intention of letting the deadly virus destroy my system. I drank more ORS. I remember saying to myself repeatedly, ‘I am a survivor, I am a survivor’.

I also found out that a patient with Ebola cannot be re-infected and they cannot relapse back into the disease as there is some immunity conferred on survivors. My pastor and I would discuss these findings, interpret them as it related to my situation and pray together. I looked forward to his calls. They were times of encouragement and strengthening. I continued to meditate on the Word of God. It was my daily bread.

“To contain the frequent diarrhea, I had started wearing adult diapers, as running to the toilet was no longer convenient for me. The indignity was quite overwhelming, but I did not have a choice. My faith was being severely tested. The situation was desperate enough to break anyone psychologically. Dr. Ohiaeri also called us day and night, enquiring about our health and the progress we were making. He sent provisions, extra drugs, vitamins, Lucozade, towels, tissue paper; everything we needed to be more comfortable in that dark hole we found ourselves. Some of my male colleagues had also been admitted to the male ward two rooms away, but there was no interaction with them. I kept encouraging myself. This could not be the end for me. Five days after I was admitted, the vomiting stopped.

“A day after that, the diarrhea ceased. I was overwhelmed with joy. It happened at a time I thought I could no longer stand the ORS. Drinking that fluid had stretched my endurance greatly. I knew countless numbers of people were praying for me. Prayer meetings were being held on my behalf. My family was praying day and night. Text messages of prayers flooded my phones from family members and friends. I was encouraged to press on. With the encouragement I was receiving I began to encourage the others in the ward. We decided to speak life and focus on the positive. I then graduated from drinking only the ORS fluid to eating only bananas, to drinking pap and then bland foods”.

However, her faith, she said, became shaken after Nurse Justina Ejelonu succumbed to the disease on the 12th of August.
“It was a great blow and my faith was greatly shaken as a result. I commenced daily Bible study with the other two female patients and we would encourage one another to stay positive in our outlook though in the natural it was grim and very depressing. My communion sessions with the other women were very special moments for us all. On the evening of the day Justina passed on, we were moved to the new isolation centre. We felt like we were leaving hell and going to heaven. We were conveyed to the new place in an ambulance. It was just behind the old building. Time would not permit me to recount the drama involved with the dynamics of our relocation. It was like a script from a science fiction movie. The new building was cleaner and much better than the old building. Towels and nightwear were provided on each bed. The environment was serene”.

Speaking on Dr Adadevoh’s last moments, she said, “The following night, Dr. Adadevoh was moved to our isolation ward from her private room where she had previously been receiving treatment. She had also tested positive for Ebola and was now in a coma. She was receiving I.V. fluids and oxygen support and was being monitored closely by the W.H.O doctors. We all hoped and prayed that she would come out of it. It was so difficult seeing her in that state. I could not bear it. She was my consultant, my boss, my teacher and my mentor. She was the imperial lady of First Consultants, full of passion, energy and competence. I imagined she would wake up soon and see that she was surrounded by her First Consultants family but sadly it was not to be”.

On how she eventually overcame the Virus, she said “I continued listening to my healing messages. They gave me life. I literarily played them hours on end. Two days later, on Saturday the 16th of August, the W.H.O doctors came with some papers. I was informed that the result of my blood test was negative for Ebola virus. If I could somersault, I would have but my joints were still slightly painful. I was free to go home after being in isolation for exactly 14 days. I was so full of thanks and praise to God. I called my mother to get fresh clothes and slippers and come pick me. My husband couldn’t stop shouting when I called him. He was completely overwhelmed with joy. I was told however that I could not leave the ward with anything I came in with. I glanced one last time at my cd player, my valuable messages, my research assistant a.k.a my iPad, my phones and other items. I remember saying to myself, “I have life; I can always replace these items.
“I went for a chlorine bath, which was necessary to disinfect my skin from my head to my toes. It felt like I was being baptized into a new life as Dr. Carolina, a W.H.O doctor from Argentina poured the bucket of chlorinated water all over me. I wore a new set of clothes, following the strict instructions that no part of the clothes must touch the floor and the walls. Dr. Carolina looked on, making sure I did as instructed.

I was led out of the bathroom and straight to the lawn to be united with my family, but first I had to cut the red ribbon that served as a barrier. It was a symbolic expression of my freedom. Everyone cheered and clapped. It was a little but very important ceremony for me. I was free from Ebola! I hugged my family as one who had been liberated after many years of incarceration. I was like someone who had fought death face to face and come back to the land of the living.
“We had to pass through several stations of disinfection before we reached the car. Bleach and chlorinated water were sprayed on everyone’s legs at each station. As we made our way to the car, we walked past the old isolation building. I could hardly recognize it. I could not believe I slept in that building for 10 days. I was free! Free of Ebola. Free to live again. Free to interact with humanity again. Free from the sentence of death. “My parents and two brothers were under surveillance for 21 days and they completed the surveillance successfully. None of them came down with a fever. The house had been disinfected by Lagos State Ministry of Health soon after I was taken to the isolation centre. I thank God for shielding them from the plague.
“My recovery after discharge has been gradual but progressive. I thank God for the support of family and friends. I remember my colleagues who we lost in this battle. Dr. Adadevoh my boss, Nurse Justina Ejelonu, and the ward maid, Mrs. Ukoh were heroines who lost their lives in the cause to protect Nigeria. They will never be forgotten and then she concluded saying “I read that Dr. Kent Brantly, the American doctor who contracted Ebola in Liberia and was flown out to the United States for treatment was being criticized for attributing his healing to God when he was given the experimental drug, Zmapp. I don’t claim to have all the answers to the nagging questions of life. Why do some die and some survive? Why do bad things happen to good people? Where is God in the midst of pain and suffering? Where does science end and God begin? These are issues we may never fully comprehend on this side of eternity. All I know is that I walked through the valley of the shadow of death and came out unscathed”,219820.0.html