All of us have either said - or thought - a variation of these things. And it’s little wonder - because in today’s contemporary society, our perceptions are constantly being altered on a 24/7 basis. Forces from the outside relentlessly bombard our wants and needs. So, the innate ability to create our own reality comes under threat, and we find ourselves  disempowered in shaping our own experiences.  
Faced with a challenge at work, external factors often define our responses and determine how we should act.
Where do we go from here?
I believe everyone can, without permission, reclaim the reins and seek to create opportunity in spite of constraints. It begins with small changes - which may not seem groundbreaking - but incrementally, they become significant enough for impact. Regardless of where you are in your career or professional life, here are simple, practical tips to get you started.
What are you aces ? Conduct your own SWOT analysis by scanning your current environment. You’d be surprised how much you have working for you than against you. Assess resources at your disposal -  both tangible and intangible. Think carefully about where your opportunities lie - not just in your areas of strengths (S) and opportunities (O), but also in weaknesses (W) and threats (T). These may be in the form your personal contacts, your professional networks, mentors and so on.
When was the last time you stretched yourself? True greatness typically lies beyond the comfort zone. If you tell yourself that stretching will not impact on your pay packet at the end of the month, you are truly robbing yourself of a unique opportunity. If it doesn’t earn you the recognition and the praise you deserve, it will certainly contribute to your professional development. You will acquire additional skills that may put you in good stead in the future. No time invested in yourself is wasted
Diversify. This might be a good time to revisit and leverage your professional relationships or forge new ones. Expand your horizons by diversifying your experience. Engage in meaningful conversations with professionals, not just within your organisation but outside your industry. Take interest, get to understand their business.
The only thing limiting you is you!