
Friday, July 14, 2017

'Truly Unique:' Lion Seen Nursing Baby Leopard For The First Time

Lioness and Baby Leopard at Ndutu Lodge

A wild lioness was photographed nursing a leopard cub in Tanzania on Tuesday, the first documented instance of such cross-species behavior.

“This is a truly unique case,” wrote Dr. Luke Hunter, Australian biologist and President and Chief Conservation Officer for Panthera, a global wild cat conservation organization, in an email.
The lioness, known as Nosikitok, is 5 years old, and the leopard cub is about 3 weeks old, said Susie Sheppard, Media and Digital Marketing Director of Panthera. The two were found in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area of Tanzania, a protected area known for its lion population according to its website.
“I know of no other example of inter-species adoption or nursing like this among big cats in the wild,” wrote Hunter.
The lioness recently gave birth to her own cubs, which means that she is “physiologically primed” to take care of baby cats, said Hunter. He added that her own cubs look very similar to the baby leopard and are of similar age.
"Even so, there has never been another case like it,” said Hunter. “Why it has occurred now is mystifying.”
However, Hunter was doubtful that the leopard cub would survive for much longer.
“Lions are very well equipped to distinguish their cubs from others,” Hunter wrote. “If the rest of the pride finds the cub, it is likely it would be killed,” he wrote. 
Credit: Emily Weyrauch


Wednesday, January 4, 2017


There are three words that make up one of the most common statements people make especially when they want to say something untrue or when natural events occurs... "IT JUST HAPPENED". Yes, that's the statement but that's so unreal because nothing ever just happens. All I'm trying to say is that anything that happened or is happening is the effect of a cause, and that happening is automatically a cause which will produce effects, which goes on and on. This primarily is a simple layman's explanation of what 'CAUSALITY' is. But below is its better academic definition rendered by
"Causality (also referred to as causation, or cause and effect ) is the agency or efficacy that connects one process (the cause ) with another process or state (the effect), where the first is understood to be partly responsible for the second, and the second is dependent on the first. In general, a process has many causes, which are said to be causal factors for it, and all lie in its past. An effect can in turn be a cause of many other effects."
Causality is a very laudable concept and mostly science inclined. It relates to Metaphysics, Ontology, Epistemology, etc. But we are taking a different twist here to look at the concept of 'cause and effects' in event management by highlighting the environmental, social, emotional, and educational effects of Events, its causes and how to manage it properly.
This study will take us through the relationships between the three stages of Events, which are Pre-event (conceptualization and planning), The Event (Execution) and Post- event (Wrapping), and its effects on the Team, Audience and general public. I always say that every event is a serious business and should be seen as such because it involves the 'mindset of people'. This study shall also clarify that.
(... To Be Continued!)

Author: Steve John N.