
Friday, November 5, 2010

"This Is The Power Of One Simple Idea"

  • Marc Benioff is the CEO of the multi-billion
    dollar technology leader --

    When he started his company in 1999, he
    made it company policy to give a percentage
    to charity in this manner:

    1% of equity -- worth $0 at the time
    1% of profits -- worth $0 at the time
    1% of employee time -- there was 0 employee

    The company took off like a rocket, and
    today has become the industry leader in
    on-demand software.

    What does 1% translate to?

    To date has given away:

    - 10 million dollars -- 1% of profits

    - 10-20 million dollars -- 1% of equity

    - 50,000 hours -- 1% of employee
       time to charitable causes.

    Salesforce calls this the 1-1-1 model.

    It gets even more interesting so please
    pay close attention here.

    In 2003 Marc was giving a talk at Stanford
    University. He described in detail how the
    model has worked for the company.

    In the audience that day were the founders
    of Google, the search engine giant.

    At the end of the presentation, they
    approached Marc and told him they were
    interested in adopting their giving
    model for Google.


    Google has set up a foundation to implement
    the 1-1-1 model.

    As I write they have set aside a massive
    1.5 BILLION dollars which they are giving away
    to charity!

    This is the power of one simple idea --

    giving back or tithing a certain percentage
    of your income.

    This is the power of one simple idea plucked
    right out of the Bible.

    It is the dominant secret of financial

    But that's not all.

    In the Bible there are 6 others...

    Here's the Golden Key that
    Brings Financial Prosperity ...

    What Is it?

    The Bible says,

    "My God shall supply ALL your needs
    according to His riches in glory by
    Christ Jesus"


    To experience divine prosperity, you
    first have to know GOD as your provider.

    And to do that, you need to observe
    the 7 laws of prosperity.

    Failure to observe these laws gives
    rise to...

    The 7 Common Mistakes ...

Here's how to avoid them...

Law #1: Tithing

The tithe is one tenth of your income.
When we pay our tithes, the Lord opens
to us the windows of heaven ... but this
is just the beginning.

Law #2: Offerings

You must be generous by giving freewill
offerings unto the Lord. This law ensures
that the more you give unto the Lord, the
more abundance you experience (potentially).

While the tithe opens the windows of heaven
to you, your offerings will activate the
law of giving and receiving --

So you'll be able to receive and KEEP the
blessings in your storehouse.

Law #3: Building His Church

God wants His people to participate in
building for Him, both spiritually and

God will always bless those who join
hands in building His church. You can
prove this to yourself if you know
of a church project going on.

Law #4: 

Blessing Ministers That HE Sends

There are certain ministers that God
works with, period. As you come across
these people, you must be discerning
enough to reach out and bless them.

Remember Elijah of old.

And Elisha the prophet.

When you look after the vessels that
God uses, HE Himself will look after
you. It is as simple as that.

Law #5: 

Break The Curses and Covenants of Poverty

Here is where many believers fall down.
It is clear that so many are operating
under hidden curses and covenants of

As soon as you break them, and then
follow up with regular tithing and
offering, the LORD will surprise you!

Law #6:

Sowing And Reaping

Again the Bible declares: "While the
earth remains, seedtime and harvest ...
shall not cease"

Without seedtime, there can not be
any harvest. This is both a spiritual
and a physical law.

To walk in overflowing prosperity, you
need to sow good seeds into the work
of the Lord.

After you've sown that seed, then you
begin to pray in agreement with what
the Bible says ... and the law of
divine prosperity will be activated
for you.

Law #7:

Become Skilful in Prosperity Prayers

This means learning to pray specific,
targeted prayers to release divine

This type of prayer is full of high
praises unto the Lord, plus machine-gun
prayers like this:

"I rise out of the dust of poverty
by the power in the blood of Jesus"

"Let spiritual magnetic power that attracts
and keeps wealth be installed in my finances in
the name of Jesus."

"I release my finances from the influences, control
and domination of household wickedness in the
name of Jesus"

"O Lord, let all satanic angels deflecting blessings
away from me be completely paralyzed, in the
name of Jesus"

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