
Friday, August 26, 2011


“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference” Dr Reinhold Niebuhr.
Do not be discouraged when you face disposition and setbacks. People may ridicule you, do not mind and keep trying until you succeed. That was what Robert Edward “Ted” did. When he launched Cable News Network (CNN), the first around-the-clock, all- news television in 1980, it was plagued by low production and editorial quality. The station was ridiculed by network news divisions as the “Chicken Noodle Network”. Not moved, Ted went on to provide cheap content to fill the void in cable programming and by 1985 he had launched CNN international, which provided global news to 210 countries. What a diehard business man he was.
As an employee, you must be innovative; to remain relevant in your place of work. Jack Welsh, former CEO of General Electric wrote “...but there are some things you can do to keep moving ahead. Exceed expectations, broaden your job horizons, and never give your boss a reason to have to spend capital for you. Manage your subordinates carefully, sign up for radar-screen assignments, collect mentors, and spread your positive attitudes. When setbacks come, and they will, ride them out with your head up”. Now let’s see what the great Paul the Apostle wrote to the Christians in Corinth; “ beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work...”

Culled from: Weekly gold nugget by Tosin ‘Badeniyi, Ph.D

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