
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Ask for His Help!

I had to be at the 31st floor of a building few days ago and I got there in less than 60 seconds. Can you imagine the time it would have taken me or the stress I would have gone through if I were to climb with my legs? Also with God’s help, we can achieve our goals faster and with less stress.  Furthermore because life is full of challenges or transitions such as immigrating, starting a new school year, getting married, becoming a parent, starting a new job or being laid off we cannot survive without Trinity’s assistance. That’s why it is important to daily ask for His help. Don’t ever believe you can make it on your own. Edwin Louis Cole, a Christian speaker, television personality, author and motivational lecturer wrote “Don’t limit the ways in which you invite God to work in your life. Be open to accepting His creativity. Remember that anything is possible with God. Trust God with your circumstances. If you do, He will bless you.
Don't isolate yourself. Pray and read your Bible often to seek God's inspiration. Act proactively according to how God inspires you rather than simply reacting to your emotions.”
“The next time you don’t know what to do, pray Jehoshaphat’s prayer to God: ‘My eyes are on You’” ~ Dr David Jeremiah

 culled from: Tosin 'Badeniyi, Ph.D

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