
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Investment in people- Money Well Spent

I like to talk to people about investment. Apart from investing in education and others like stocks, real estate etc, I have come to believe that investment in people is one you must ensure is in your portfolio. The financial world has also come to this realization. According to the Economist, money going into impact investment (which is another term for investment in people) is predicted to hit about $ 400 billion to $ 1 trillion in few years time. Impact investment is biblical. The Scripture says, he who gives to the poor (or the needy) lends unto God. I don’t know about you, if there is someone I will gladly lend to, it is God because I am convinced He will definitely pay me back. Nido Qubein, Chairman Great Harvest Bread Company, USA is an example of a guy that got where he is today because someone invested in him and he is also wise to be reciprocating that kind gesture. Nido lost his father when he was 6.  While struggling to pay his way through school, an anonymous doctor offered to help him. He was later able to earn a degree. Because of what the anonymous doctor did, he made a commitment to start a scholarship fund to help other people the way he had been helped. Till date, he has given more than 2 million dollars to deserving young people. Nido later said “service to others is what drives me. I’ve discovered that the more you give, the more you get as long as you don’t give merely so you will get. If we could live our lives that way, we would become stewards of all that is good- we become candle holders and candle lighters.” However, it is not only money you can invest in others. You can invest your time, talent or even advice.

“Always give without remembering, always receive without forgetting.” ~ William Barclay

Culled from: Tosin ‘Badeniyi, Ph.D

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